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2/1/2015 11:43:24 PM

What's your opinion on DLC?

What do you think of DLC (downloadable content)? Is it awesome, dumb, too expensive? Does it limit gameplay for people who don't have it? Let me know down below!



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  • 由Reign of Bane編輯: 2/3/2015 9:03:57 AM
    It's the scourge of the industry, most developers just cut content on purpose or develop it alongside the main game just to extort more money from us at a later date after we have already forked out £59.99 for the game. (or whatever currency you use/current gen). >Day 1 DLC is a joke, it's worthless. >Maps and skins/armour/costumes should be free. >Cutting story from main game and selling it as DLC is an insult. >Season pass buyers are facilitating this practice. There are examples of where DLC [b]adds[/b] to a complete game, Borderlands 2 is an example of this and I hear Skyrim is as well. Bad examples far outweigh the good ones. Kudos to the developers of Witcher 3 that are giving away free DLC and of course to Nintendo.



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