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由DAYMimNICE编辑: 2/16/2015 3:03:08 PM

HM Crota in 2 Swords, No Triple Down

Helped out many people to complete Hardmode Crota as well VoG. Never posted any videos. I'm part of an Upcoming team, SB Gaming, looking to World First HoW as well Stream daily and help others. As for the video it was a 5 man because we lost 1 at the start and out of the 5 left one was a level 30 teammate which we were helping out. I Hope yall enjoy it. If you do Please subscribe to our team channel.. we definitely will be coming out with more Amazing videos. Appreciate it and Thanks for watching. P.S. If you still haven't beat Hardmode Crota and are Chill plus have a lvl 31+ give me a shout I'll see how I can get you in one my raids. Edit: I'm on PS4 atm but will be getting an XboxOne very soon. PSN: DAYMimNICE



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