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2/18/2015 11:48:17 PM

TURTLE ERROR (problem getting configuration file from bungie servers) SOLVED

Hi guys!! just thought id post on here my solution, as Bungies help was, well....less than helpful!! So for 3 days now i had been getting TURTLE errors everytime i went to log in...thought it was a problem their side, turns out it wasnt! every time i logged on it would get to checking for updates and immediately give me the error...EVERYTIME! I tried EVERYTHING, i've even now set up a static IP and port forwarding to sort my NAT out! So basically the problem was...... BT HOME HUB 5 . Every time you change something in your routers settings (for me it was the channel) it will then, each time you log onto a device for the first time after the change, ask you to go through the few setup pages before it lets you browse! I did this on my laptop........iPad........desktop.......DIDNT think to do it on my soon as i opened internet explorer on my xbox one it gave me the setup pages.... i quickly ran through those and clicked 'start browsing' and exited the app, opened destiny and BOOM updates were working again just thought id post this JUST incase someone else runs into this problem!! i checked forums all over and no answer like this so... Thanks Dioreskills



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