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由sTier编辑: 2/20/2015 11:02:49 PM

Video of VM completely outclassing Necrochasm in its intended range. (Please Watch)

Bungie, I honestly love the dark below but I can't quite get over how ineffective the Necrochasm is especially when it's outclassed by nearly every other gun in the game, including the non DLC Vex. In close range, the range it's most reliable in, the Vex does more damage, in less shots, with less recoil, and can deal more damage per magazine, and this is when I put the smallest possible damage build on it. At mid range, the Vex loses nearly nothing (shown in next video) in term with damage, while the Necrochasm with its low mag and huge recoil will struggle to do any damage at all. I know Bungie cares about it's weapon balance and to be quite frank I care sooo much about Destiny, and the sooner they get the kinks out of their balancing, the better, and I hope before the balance patch drops, they can at least fix the balancing on one of their prize weapons from one of the biggest challenges/grinds in [b]The Dark Below[/b] Here is the first video, of close range testing:



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