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由xXxKingjonxXx编辑: 2/27/2015 1:41:01 AM

"Life-saving Trauma Foam" inspired by Halo 3:ODST "Biofoam"

Bungie can give themselves a pat on the back for possibly inspiring a way to possible save lives on and off the battle field, the "Life-Saving Trauma Foam" developed by Arsenal Medical, the foams concept was based off halo's "Biofoam" witch was first used in a scene in Halo 3: ODST when Romeo, after enduring several hours of excruciating pain and difficulty breathing by a wound received from the blade of a Brute chieftains Gravity Hammer to the chest, almost to the point where he was incapable of breath anymore his teammate (Buck) injected him with the Biofoam into his puncture wound witch "keeps damaged organs in place and helps stops bleeding" just in time to save his life and keep him alive until he either received medical attention or injected more foam when it naturally broke down. This quote from - "Thanks to a $25 million grant from the Department of Defense, Arsenal Medical’s real-life foam could win FDA approval later this year." just makes me want to see it in action and that's going to possibly be in the not so distant future. I'm happy to see Bungie come up with the idea especially because they created with the best video game ever made, they're actively involved with the community unlike any other game developers, and the best moments me and my friends (and pretty much everyone who played Halo 3) was playing halo 3. I'm not sure how to put this but I hope that anyone interested in halo reads this and particularly Bungie and the staff that worked on Halo 3: ODST even if its not really making a big deal over. Thank you all for reading this. see website for more details.



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