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3/18/2015 7:33:27 AM

Groundhog, Coconut errors - when loading Daily

Hi guys Last night (GMT) I was getting kicked out of the weekly Nightfall - I put it down to reset day and servers acting up, but this morning I am constantly getting Coconut and Groundhog errors - mainly when trying to access the Level 30 Daily. I've tried it on all 3 characters and it seems to happen when the screen goes black when it is about to start. My broadband connection is fine as I am still streaming music fine (and wife is on eBay with no dropouts). I've rebooted my PS4 and router and the same. Any help is appreciated.



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  • Hello, I had the exact same problem, Coconut and Groundhog several times a day, turns out it was due to packet loss (You probably won't notice it when browsing or streaming music, since they require less bandwidth). Run some network tests like, Coconut and Groundhog are timeout related errors.



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