I have found a way to use my old graphics calculator for Destiny. I worked out a formula that determines the time taken and amount of stuff earned for any number of strikes. Huge shout out to Beeray784 on reddit and DPJ on you tube for the values that have been obtained (links to pages will be below).
Pro numerals used are as follows:
A- number of strikes
T- time taken in minutes to complete the strikes (this value was found from the average time on each strike map in Beeray784's reddit post)
B- the amount of blues earned during the ROC strikes
C- the amount of blues (from the ROC strikes) decrypted that became legendaries
L- amount of legendaries obtained during the ROC strikes
E- amount of exotics obtained during the ROC strikes
The formula is as follows:
1. ClrHome
2. Prompt A
3. A * 8 -> T
4. A * (632/400) -> B
5. B * (2/100) -> C
6. If C < 1 : Then
8. A * (20/400) -> L
9. A * (8/400) -> E
10. Disp T, B, C, L, E
11. Pause
12. Stop
You may change the pro-numerals if you want. the "*" and "/" is the notation used for multiplication and division respectively. -> means "store as" (aka your STO button). The 1. , 2. ... is the line number (just hit enter after you have completed each line). All words such as "If, Then, Prompt ..." are words found under the button "PRGM" button on the calculator. the words "disp" and "clrhome" are short for display and clear home respectively.
Beeray 784: http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2svx0d/my_roommate_and_i_played_200_roc_strikes_here_are/
Thank you guys so much for commenting. I have been away from Destiny forums for 20 hours and somehow i am trending. Unfortunately sometimes this formula does not work when you display the text: "Cryptarch is still an ass" first rather than displaying "T,B,C,L,E". I would advise to move lines 6 and 7 below line 10 to ensure this to work. Also, there is a much simpler guide for this if you don't have a graphics calculator. It is the following:
1. find how many strikes you wish to do (i will call this number A)
2. A x 8 = Time it takes to complete in minutes
3. A x (632/ 400) = amount of blue engrams
4. amount of blue engrams x (2/100) = amount of legendaries the cryptarch gives
5. A x (20/400) = amount of legendaries
6. A x (8/400) = amount of exotics
Just use the above values in a calculator and you will get the same results minus the cryptarch still being an ass. You'll have to say that line :)
Keep up the responses guardians. (I do count as a warlock as my main is both TITAN and WARLOCK, i play equal amounts on both).
由TreborLavok编辑: 3/28/2015 5:43:05 PMThere is no science behind it... its called RNG for a reason. The event/mission/raid ends and you get a random "roll of the dice" for the loot. %'s vary for each class of item. i.e. exotic has x% chance, legendary has x% chance etc etc. It has nothing to do with the time it takes to finish a strike or nightfall or who does the most dps or has the most kills or the most time etc. People need to come to the realization that RNG is RNG and it sucks. If you get lucky and hit the lotto you got lucky and hit the lotto. Just like in RL, some people have great luck. Like someone i went to high school with. His family, i shit you not, won the lotto 3 times!
由Guardian6232编辑: 3/28/2015 5:03:54 PMDo legendary and exotics only drop after your character has beat the game? I have a lvl 31 hunter that's only a week old and I have done close to 20-30 roc strikes and have not gotten a single item, purple or exotic but all the other people playing were getting them left and right. The reason I ask this is i have not beat the story with this char and I have two other 32's and they get legendaries all the time. The only difference is they have beaten the story....
由Aguyishere编辑: 3/25/2015 10:05:45 PMSpeaking of crypyarch being an ass, when is last time someone got a legendary from a blue engram? I must be at about three - four hundred between all three characters and haven't seen one yet.
1. find how many strikes you wish to do (i will call this number A) 2. A x 8 = Time it takes to complete in minutes 3. 158% = amount of blue engrams 4. 2% = amount of legendaries the cryptarch gives 5. 5% = amount of legendaries 6. 2% = amount of exotics
2 回复
i was literally thinking about this before getting on youtube and the forums... then i get on and boom there are the answers im looking for!!! thanks OP for thinking in a similar way as me, but doing all the work and math and such :)
All i know is that the cryptharc is an ass regardless. Get either crap, coins or motes. As for legendaries, well i get my fare share, fare share of ships that is. Last two weeks i have gotten close to 15 legend ships, most of whom are butt ugly and all of them useless. Only 2 times have i gotten dupes, so i got enough ships. They should increase glimmer earnings and allow us to sell ships (or get stuff from dismantle) or something.