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3/27/2015 6:23:15 AM

Spoiled Brats

[b]Here's my script for the new Destiny Movie[/b] "We can only fit so much on the old systems" - BUNGIE "[b]Nyahh then stop letting them play the game![/b]" - PLAYERBASE "But why don't you just delete your repeat items" - BUNGIE "[b]Nyaah because it's MINE![/b]" - PLAYERBASE "Listen, 10 times the amount of people play the old gen" - BUNGIE [b]"Nyaah they're poor scrubs, they should get their mom to buy the new ones[/b]" PLAYERBASE "Listen, we[b] specifically stated multiple times[/b] that we are [b]working on a permanent fix[/b], this is just [b]temporary[/b]. We've been focusing all our efforts on things like vault space and weapon nerfs, we can only do so much to satisfy you, we have a business to run" BUNGIE "SCREW YOU ANYWAY YOU -blam!- [b]I'LL JUST GO PLAY COD [/b]THEN NOOB" - PLAYERBASE "We'll see you when House of Wolves drops!" - BUNGIE



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