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由DE EUTHANIZER编辑: 1/17/2015 2:09:45 AM

OK this is bull$hit

Xur sold the IB today and it has opened my eyes to something very strange and more that a little terrifying. The forums blew up with people talking about "earning" theirs, or "working hard" for that gun. When did video games have anything to do with work? When did people start to correlate playing as work? I go to work everyday. In no world would I consider playing VoG work. Think about it. I bought the IB when I payed $60.00 for this game. So I truly worked for it as many of you did. This has just opened my eyes to how lazy our generation has become. If we truly had an appreciation for hard work we wouldn't be so quick to apply that term to a raid on a game. That's it. Had to rant. Edit 1: Thank you for those that agree with me. For you who don't I have a challenge. Go find the hardest working man in your area. Your mom will know who he is if you need to ask someone. Work along side him for 1 day. Come back and see if you still have the same opinion. Edit 2: I really cannot believe that this had so many replies. This community isn't as bad as it can look at times.



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