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原先发布于:Empire of Crota
4/7/2015 10:02:10 AM

Sharing One of My Crota Raid sessions.(Is the Rewarding system fair?) --- (Need some feedback...Thanks Guardians)

I had this crazy session with the Crota Raid yesterday. I joined someone I found in my list after I completed my daily. there were only five members in the fireteam, So i thought why not make it 6 and help them with the full raid? The Raiding team were all lvl 31+ except for me, I was a lvl 30 Titan, Equipped with "God of War" Shader + Dead orbit Rank 4 Emblem. As soon as I spawned there, I found myself at a checkpoint, Crota's health bar was really low. I joined The Fight, Fired a Couple of Rockets, A Guardian smashed Crota with the sword and that was the end of Crota. ***\\\My Reward was A Legendary Sniper Rifle " Black Hammer" + Cryptographic Shader, Legendary gold Shader which I fell in love with..looks good on my titan.// *** The Fire-team went crazy about it because of the hard work they put in without me. they all came running towards me and started shooting, punching, using their supers on me. I felt bad for them and thought they might've been trying to grind for exotics using 5 members? not sure about how the rewarding system works really. But I bet they would've gotten the same stuff without me. Although it was a bit hilarious. but then everyone would've felt the same if this happened to their Fire-team. I had to run...and leave the fireteam...happy af...and moved on...looking for others that do the raid for fun, rather than set up rules and make it more strict like its a real life thing... >>>Your thoughts and feedback on this experience will be appreciated<<< PS4 : enzo_the_ill



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