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原先发布于:The Friends List
由Mmmmm Napalm编辑: 4/12/2015 2:29:00 PM

Sensitive Babies of The Internet

So, has got to be one of the most hilariously sensitive, whiny communities I've ever seen. Not only is there a thread with 9,000+ replies titled "Ignorance is Bias: The Diversity Manifesto", but I recently found this gem. I've taken some screenshots of the highlights. So, to summarize how this came about: There's a discussion on how in AoTC, it doesn't make sense that Padme has such a subdued reaction to Anakin stating he murdered an entire village of Tusken Raiders. One guy, Gallandro, says that in Star Wars, because the settlers are so often the victims of the Tusken's brutal raids, the settlers see the Tuskens as less than human (or sentient beings or whatever). This is supported by Cliegg Lars referring to the Sandpeople as "animals". Which, to be honest, I can understand. Tusken Raiders haven't proven themselves to be the most compassionate people. It's also important to note that another user, Saga Explorer, agrees with Gallandro and comments on the matter. So anyway, these guys say that if the settlers see the Tuskens as animals, and because Padme has been speaking exclusively with the Lars family, to her Anakin killing the village is basically the same as killing a pack of wolves. He didn't say such thinking was justified, Gallandro merely attempted to explain Padme's subdued reaction to Anakin's confession. And my gosh, [i]the butthurt and #triggering that ensued...[/i] [url=]Here's an album of the highlights[/url]. It's mainly the comments of two mods, but their posts have a lot of likes, indicating many agree with them. Again, allow me to remind you that these users, Gallandro and SagaExplorer, [i]never said[/i] such thinking was justified, they only attempted to explain why the pacifist Padme didn't flip out. Yet, the mods and others react as though these guys said Hitler was justified. A guy's comments about [i] the deaths of Tusken Raiders[/i] elicited moral outrage, and spiraled into a serious discussion on the sanctity of life and the rights of sentient beings. Given that this is the same community that had people referring to the Plinkett reviews as "PROPAGANDA" (in all caps too), this doesn't surprise me. Honestly if I didn't know any better, you could tell me this was a Star Wars discussion on Tumblr and I would probably believe you. Here's the thread, around the beginning of the debate if you're willing to delve into the autism:



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