So 6 police officers have been charged with homicide for the death of Freddie Grey. I would like to say that in no way am I a fan of the police, quite the contrary. I have been on probation for 4 out of the last 6 years and I currently don't have a license due to some bs charges.
Still I think this is outrageous. [u]One[/u]person dies in an accident and [u]6[/u] people are charged?! With homicide?! If they're all found guilty this will effect all of them and their entire families! Just because they showed up for work that day and didn't make the best decisions. The prosecutor who made this decision is a woman who has only had the job for four months! All this on top of the other fckd up bllsht that has been going on. Fck this sht.
[u]Update:[/u]: so after reading a more detailed news article I realize only one is charged with second degree homicide, three are charged with multiple accounts of assault, and everyone with things like gross negligence and false imprisonment.
I still think this is excessive and I think that running from the police warrants an arrest, were they supposed to just let him run away?
The full responsibility of this situation is shared by everyone, from the rioters to the mayor (who smokes crack). I think it's all terrible and the only way to change is with the support of every single person in Baltimore. Good luck getting that though.
Welcome to the Liberal world where nonsense and BS rule supreme. Where everyone is a victim and everyone is entitled.
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The cops are in the wrong but so are the rioters. Dumbass inconsiderate people on top of dumbass inconsiderate people.
They all participated in the issue, all should be charged. Honestly with the hysteria I'm a little surprised the charges weren't worse. They should be thankful. I thought they were all gonna get manslaughter or second degree murder.
Only one out of 6 had to follow procedure & strap him in. He would still be alive. Only one out of 6, instead 6 police "protect & serve" neglected their duty and now an entire community is in flames
Not all are charged with murder only the driver who, in efforts to give him a hard ride to jail succeeded in breaking his neck. Others are charged in their various roles. The guy was doing nothing illegal the polices own investigation so far has ruled it an unlawful arrest, no probable cause exsisted. Plus this rough ride thing isn't a single instance its been happening for years, their commanding officers share some responsibility for not stopping this illegal practice sooner. This all being said it's unlikely they will get convictions, unless one or more of them testifies against the others. This is unlikely they have had plenty if time to straighten out their stories, and the only other witness is dead. Baltimore will burn when they're found not guilty. Rule of law only exsists when the people have faith in the system when you can arrest and kill people doing nothing wrong without consequences the faith in the system is lost and society falls.
Well see who's at fault when the evidence is presented in court and a jury comes to a decision. Hopefully they actually enforce juror rules this time.
Now everyone will think that rioting is the best way to get what you want. Fúcking wonderful
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They ALL neglected the injured man the medical attention he needed and he is now dead because of that. This is how situations like this should be handled.