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由Kuzdal2编辑: 5/4/2015 3:07:50 AM

Fixing Exotics: Thorn

Thorn, the weapon that started off as a laughed at weapon turned best gun in the crucible. At launch Thorn had many qualities that made people think that it was awful, very low stability, 6 round magazine, and most notorious, the 5000 hour reload time. The weapon received a lot of criticism in that a "hard to earn" weapon was bad. At this time, the gun could still 2 shot to the head, but with the low stability and mag size, you had to aim well and pick your shots, no spamming 9 shots into a doorway to get 2-3 kills. The gun performed well in the hands of a skilled player. [b]Then Bungie buffed the gun, with about a 2x stability increase, 50% magazine increase, and a reload speed increase.[/b] This put the gun from a relatively underused gun straight to the best gun in crucible, slowly gaining more and more users with time, and finally now has becoming the most used and most complained about weapon in the game. The gun is likely going to be toned down, the threads are everywhere, the stats of its prevalence will be viewable, and Bungie will likely bring the nerfbat. In the event they do, I propose bringing its magazine size and stability back to the levels they were on launch, keep the weapon a 2-shot kill, but force the user to expend some effort and show some skill in achieving the 2 shot kill by reducing its stability so bullets can not be spammed. In addition to the stability, bringing its magazine back to 6 will also force users to pick their shots more carefully, only having 6 before needing to reload, while this seems as an immediate nerf, the smaller magazine will bring much higher prevalence to the Final Round perk, which in the current state of the gun, is basically nonexistent. As a trade off for the magazine reduction, replace snap shot with field scout to compensate, giving the middle tree to customize the weapon between a focus in stability, range, or ammo. Tl;dr If Bungie is going to nerf Thorn, do so by cutting its stability and magazine back down to the numbers the gun launched with and replace snapshot with field scout. It was useable then, and it'll still be usable after a rollback. Edit: Reduce magazine size to 6 rounds but replace snapshot with field scout, giving the middle tree customization between stability, range and ammo. *Credit: iMurklin*



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  • [b]This was the one HUGE case of PVE players screwing up PVP that no one talks about.[/b] Thorn was so bad it was unusable in PVE. The old Thorn still wrecked in PVP. PVE players complained hard about it not being good, while PVP players that had it were going about owning with it. It got the crazy buff and now is the best PVP weapon in game. PVE ruined PVP just like people alway say PVP ruins PVE o.O



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