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由Neceos编辑: 4/15/2015 4:01:53 PM

Thrall Slavers Wanted

Hello fellow Guardians, I recently entered the business of Thrall Slaving. This highly profitable and lucrative business is a great way to raise glimmer for City charities and protect its citizens and the Traveler, all by enslaving the members of the Hive know as Thrall. These Thrall are natural minions of the Darkness (like all Hive), but the possibility exists to convert them to the Light. Thrall appear to be weak minded Hive scrubs. When enslaving Thrall, proper slaving techniques should be conducted, for your safety and the safety of others. •All Thrall must be in good health. •Any Thrall which attacks another Guardian or fellow Slaver must be terminated. •Any Cursed Thrall must be terminated. •Any wounded Thrall must be terminated, as they do not make good minions of the Light. •Proper slaving equipment must be used. Failure to do so may result in the deaths of eligible Thralls, fellow Guardians, or worse, yourself. If you wish to join the Thrall Slaving Company, please sign here and explain your qualifications. I am looking forward to seeing this business grow, and good luck enslaving Thralls! Sincerely, Master Thrall Slaver Neceos [b]NOTE:[/b] The Thrall Slaving Company is live!



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