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由Vexrook编辑: 5/17/2015 11:37:29 PM

Faction's need expanding-in general





Faction's are 100% fine


[u][b]To people voting no, how about some constructive reason's as to why down below? I recommend you read the whole topic, not all of this relates to pve but mostly for both.[/b][/u] [b]Also there was a mock up crucible screen awhile back I saw that was a really well doctored photo of how faction wars could look like when your checking who's winning or something. If someone finds it, please link me to it so I may add it as a example. Also don't be afraid to like or bumb it, keeping it up will show Bungie this is something we want. May have to do it awhile to get some changes.[/b] Faction's have some really cool weapon's and gear. I've stated in some other topic's some of my opinion's of them in general. Obviously people want more out of the faction's, and maybe some confirmation on some things. I will try to list the things everyone has been wanting out of the faction. Will also add stuff I missed if its relevant enough, and reasonable enough for Bungie to actually get too. [b]1) Faction Payment's[/b] Okay, so this is a very recurring theme in most of the forum topics. It's just about the payment that you can give any of the three main factions. (FWC, DO, NM.) The vast majority of people don't really like having to grind crucible for the mark's to attain this gear. (Just to put this out there they are making it easy'er to earn rep and marks in HoW, just to show Bungie is making this a little less of a pain.) Sense we do work in the field for the factions, it would be nice to be able use our Vangard mark's to also make payments. [b]2) Faction Package's [/b] (To state off the bat, this is also supposed to be something Bungie is supposed to be dealing with in HoW) They need to be re thought out. The commendations being removed is a nice start, but having a higher chance at a weapon or armor piece would be nice. With a chance to get one of several different thing's from them too. A example of thing's we would like to see in package's are faction themed shaders, ships, exotic class items, armor, weapon's, ghost skins. [b]3) Faction Rewards (in general[/b]) After stating number two, seeing more stuff you can get from would be awesome. Some people have posted this before, but sense it is such a great idea I would like it see implemented some time. No one has even gotten a new ghost or anything sense the game came out. Would be nice to see something more. [url][/url] It would also be cool to see the faction stuff purchasable after a certain rank. Maybe not the weapon's, but the ships and shaders. NinjaSakky AKA Ninja Sakura from DeviantArt gave us some awesome mock ups of how the shops and rewards could be. Check Spoiler for the images. [spoiler][u]Dead Orbit Shop[/u] [url=][/url] [u]Sparrow Upgrades[/u] [url][/url] [url][/url] [u]Other Upgrades[/u] [url][/url] [url][/url][/spoiler] [b]4) Faction challenge's in PvP [/b] It say's it all. Weekly, daily, or monthly war of the faction's, limited to there gear or something simular as you battle it out to see whos the boss in a 3v3v3 map, faction limited gear, including weapons. With a chance at faction rewards with it. To balance it it so people cant swap to the winning side, something should be bought at the start of the event, and lock them in that faction till its end. [b]5) Bounty's individual to the Factions:[/b] As Devilsmirk suggested, the three main factions getting bounty's would be great. Trial's of Osiris, Eris Morn, PVP, Queens wrath, and Vangard all have their own bounty's why not the 3 others? Mix up the bounty types even more. [b]6) Exotic Faction bounty's-[/b] I'm not saying this is something we would need imediately but, we have gotten the same exotic bounty's sense the start of the game, and we grind faction rank time after time. It would make sense for at least the main three to have one of there own. Now I know you guy's have a think for sets of three. Which is why with HoW we now have 3 exotic scout rifles among others. Create a bounty to be given randomly on rank up for- [u]FWC: Sniper Rifle[/u] [u]DO: SideArm[/u] [u]NM:Fusion Rifle[/u] This would give people some more vigor to grind after adding shaders and ships to the shop for a rank up too. Win win right? Here is another example photo from NinjaSakky of how the Bounty's could show up. [spoiler][url][/url][/spoiler] [b]7) More Grimore/Story [/b] Say's it all, and I think this last one in particular shouldn't just apply to this faction, but all of them. DO, NM, FWC, ToO, EM, VG, Cr, 7S, and QR. [url=]link[/url]



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