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5/23/2015 3:27:15 PM

Skolas Strategy PS3/Xbox 360

Ok so who has a [b][i]legit[/i][/b] strategy to be able to kill Skolas? Next gen has it so easy because all you need is a Titan or two with weapons of light, unleash a barrage of Gjallarhorn on Skolas, hop in the bubble and thanks to quick loading time, pop another heavy synth, and keep blasting him until he's dead. Then just casually defuse mines. I have PS4, just not a copy of Destiny for PS4. So I'm stuck playing on PS3. When we attempt the "next gen strategy" as I like to call it now, it never works. The only reason I see that people on next gen can beat it easily is because of a faster loading time. So I want to know who has a legit strategy for killing Skolas without the ability to hide in a bubble and quickly use a synth.



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