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6/5/2015 12:50:58 AM

Iorn Banner Level Difference

Ok first off I'm not complaining. Just wanted to see if any one else noticed how insignificant Being level 34 is. While playing as a 34 I was managing g a k/d of .5 to . 36. I drop my rank down to 32 and k/d is now 1.58 to 2.47



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  • It makes a big difference. As a 33 against 34s, many ohks would leave the other player barely alive, say flux grenade, shotgun to the face, 2 melees, rockets, snipers with low attack. Not as bad as ToO, not indestructible, but toughe enough that even one level difference puts the lower leveled player at a clear disadvantage. Nothing wrong with level advantages, but I hope this is all intentional and not an oversight.



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