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6/28/2015 11:32:04 PM

Get booted from a ft for not having ghorn. Thanks Destiny

So I make it to skolas for the 6th or 7th time, and it takes a while. Then i get booted from the fu#^ing party because some douche thinks I'm not good enough to defeat skolas (which I've already done) because I don't have the freaking gjallahorn. Supposed to be a great community where people help each other, which is usually the case, but to be disrespected like this is just a huge piss off. No point showing the gt of the piece of crap who did this, just wanted to vent and share this story and maybe the people of Destiny will either make the gjally more attainable or have Xur sell it already (and not only in the second week of the game, jerks).



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