Hey everyone this is an assassin's creed thread. We can discuss and enjoy playing assassin's creed on any platform. I personally love all the assassin's creed and regularly go back to xbox 360 to play assassin's creed.
To everyone who plays on Xbox one assassin's creed black flag is free this month so get it fast.
Assassins creed being free is Absolutely useless for me, as I got it with my Xbox one.
I just got Black Flag on xbone and do they still have the community challenges so u can get the explorer outfit and the other stuff?
How do you get the expert harpoon? I am trying to mil the white whale what do i need to d
I loved Assassin's Creed and Connor's story. I might be the only one, but it is what it is. Also, Rogue was very good too. Shae and Connor need a sequel.
I like 2 and brotherhood the best just cause I loved Ezio's story but the story for black flag and rogue was amazing. Unity was a good game too with good gameplay just had bugs and glitches
assassins creed II was personally my favorite. the later games i found to be rather boring and much of the same that came out the year before. sadly i believe that the creed series is just turning into call of duty, turn out a game every year because w will probablt buy it. unity was the last assassins game for me