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由HeartStrong07编辑: 7/10/2015 3:59:50 AM

Which would you ascend for ToO: LDR5001 or Efrideet's Spear?

Hello, So I am going to attempt ToO for the first time. I know I will get spanked. I am trying to decide which sniper to ascend. Please assist. Thank you! LDR 5001 - Ambush - Spray & Play - Send It - Final Round - Magazine 4 Efrideet's Spear - Ambush - Spray & Play - Snapshot, or Armor Piercing - Final Round - Magazine 3 I am leaning towards the LDR 5001 because of the better fire rate and increased stability. For a primary, I will probably use Vex, Vision of Confluence, Three Little Words, The Last Word, Thorn or Red Hand IX. I have not decided yet. My class is Void Walker w/ Skull of Dire Ahamkara Thank you. I am sure my experience in Trials will be short ...LOL



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