Hi Flood, I need a bro talk:
So my girlfriend and I have been dating for four months so far, and I'm her first boyfriend. She's 16, I'm 18. We do the foreplaying, and both of us want to do the [spoiler]8====D -> (•)[/spoiler]
We WANT to do it, but she is very scared to and doesn't think it's the "right time". I'm not a virgin, and I'm trying to be as respectful to her boundaries as I can, but Flood.
She has the booty.
The bootiest booty. Ever.
So in short, I'm getting very aggravated at the thought that we both know we want to have sex and the fact that she's intentionally stopping us from doing it is starting to actually piss me off (though I keep my extremist feelings to myself), and it's quite a turnoff. [u]What would [i]you[/i] do?[/u]
由Spooter编辑: 7/15/2015 11:49:18 AM[quote]and it's quite a turnoff[/quote]Continue to let it be a turnoff, and continue to respect her decision to not have sex until she's ready like a reasonable person and real man would.
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What's the best way to put this. You're a fücking scum bag. Respect her boundaries and her limits, as her boyfriend and as the man she may choose to lose her virginity to, you should really be encouraging her to let her take her time. Seriously what the fück happened to common decency and being a gentleman. =/
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Sex isn't everything. Calm your hormones and wait until she's 18. Because if you do it and have a bad break up all she has to do is yell -blam!- and your life is -blam!-ed forever
Well in my country (Australia) 16 is of the legal age, -blam!- the shit outof her, -blam!- what she wants and -blam!- you being oppressed, if you feel it in your gut.. that you are the man for the job.. than let it free, chances are your right, and she just gave her virginity to the man, you've got a keeper for life, you can turn her down anytime and she'll still keep coming back for more. -blam!- the complicated BS be a Man!!! At 18 i had 50+s begging for more, you need to catch up
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