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由Kyle编辑: 7/16/2015 1:41:09 PM

Some Things That Really do Need a Look at Sometime, and Some Suggestions on How to Fix Them

Hey everyone, I'm just going to start off this post by saying I am a fan myself of Destiny. I have all characters (Titan, warlock, and hunter) level 34, and have around 800+ hours played, as well as a grimoire score of 3500. The Taken King does look awesome from the current leaks and reveals about it, but I kind of feel like Bungie is "jumping the gun" per say. There are still things from the original game that need fixing or at least tweaking. [i]PVP[/i] • [u]Hand cannons and shotguns dominating[/u] most of the Crucible, partly because about 90% of the maps are close quarters. Make some larger maps or bring back Bastion and First Light to regular game modes. Let's be honest, no one ever plays Combined Arms anyway. • [u]Hand cannons having the fastest time to kill[/u] times from almost all ranges, even though they were meant as close quarters weapons. What could be done is to decrease the range of every hand cannon by 1/2 and having 1/2-1/3 less damage at the end of a range falloff. It would still have it's close range potential without being able to outgun scout rifles or even snipers. A very slight rate of fire increase for scout rifles would be nice, too. Some just fire too slow, like looking at The Scholar and/or Gheleons Demise compared to the Word of Crota. It/They have less of a fire rate compared to the WoC, and less impact too.(Talking about a possible 3-6% increase) • [u]The lag[/u], Iron Banner especially. It's really annoying when you melee/shoulder charge someone and they don't even take damage, or trade kills with someone when that obviously shouldn't have happened. Dedicated servers would really help with this problem especially. • [u]Shotguns with higher impact dominate crucible.[/u] So, increase and rate of fire a good bit for shotguns with lower impact damages. Or an idea would be to make lower-impact shotguns have a significantly higher base range than high-impact shotguns. Basically, you can try to get two accurate shots off with higher range, or get in really close for that one shot potential at longer range. • [u]Blink/shotgun[/u]. The way I see it, blink was made to evade, not to be used a aggressive tactic. All people really did was just abuse the ability to get to an area close by in a very small amount of time. So what you can do is when someone does blink, have them hold their primary when coming out of the animation, requiring them to switch back to a shotgun rather than being able to use one instantly. [i]Overall:[/i] • [u]Auto Rifles[/u] don't get any love. Just buff them back already (But make sure of it they don't outgun pulse rifles or scout rifles at their prime ranges. You might have to increase their damage falloff like suggested with handcannons to keep this from happening), or possibly a rate of fire increase?؟ • [u]Fusion rifles [/u]are... lacking. Both in PVP and PVE they lack potential of say a shotgun or sniper. For fusion rifles, I see two ways of fixing this. You can increase the charge rate of all fusion rifles (Vex not included, unless you guys add the idea of a auto rifle RoF increase as suggested above), or you can make it to where when you fire, bolts come out of the nozzle as a cone shape (>), being tight bolts at the start and looser bolts the farther it gets. The at the start, the spread would be like fusion rifles before the spread increase(—), at the very end it would be a little larger than the spread we have now for them (▬). • [u]Sidearms[/u] are in the same boat at fusion rifles. Simple. Speed up bullet travel time by at least 1.6x. You have a very unlikely chance of even hitting someone if they're not running straight at you. You could also increase the headshot modifier by a little. •Warlock resurrection immunity ends way before the animation, allowing you to get blink/shotgunned in the face before you can even move. At least give them a chance. •[u] Titans[/u] are supposedly the "tanky" class yet warlocks have more health with the ram equipped. Can titans get a health buff please? Or at least an exotic like the ram for titans? I mean, they don't have blink, they aren't very fast, one of their class supers is countered by any other, and the melee is terrible unless you are a striker running shoulder charge. (Let me remind you you actually have to run for a bit until you can actually use it, and you can get killed anywhere to shotgun to super between you and your target.) • The [u]titan immune overshield/juggernaut[/u] perk for strikers is kind of small and glitches out when jumping or sometimes randomly disappears when running, totally screwing you over if your actually counting on it to work. ♣ The game relies way too much on[u] [b]RNG[/b][/u]. Even and exotic hand cannon relies on it (Hawkmoon). Some guaranteed rewards would be nice. Like every 10 cryptarch levels is a guarenteed legendary engram, or you'll always get an engram when you complete a strike of any kind or complete at the top of the leaderboard in cruicible, or every 30 chests opened for wolves will give a key. It would make my day if someone from bungie saw this. Please add your own ideas if you like and I might add them to the post too. Also, these are my idea's, you can disagree if you like. [Edit1] Typos....



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  • I'd like more armor values for the Titans. They should tank more than Warlocks without having to wear an exotic. Blink is a weird thing. Give Titans a movement perk to work with. Like a burst of speed in whatever direction you are moving, similar to Thruster Pack from Halo 4. That would counter Blink and allow the better player to outmaneuver his opponent. Otherwise good info.



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