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由DPOOLE94THE1编辑: 8/8/2015 4:43:43 PM

Elites vs Noobs

The elites are the ones who play the game longer and the noobs who hasn't played long enough. There's been many moments I had with the games. My friends and I are the players who just want to have fun just do the raids for fun. We like killing Crota and atheon many times. When you are with your friends it makes the games more fun. Now let's talk noobs moment ,sometimes we get noobs in here some know what there doing and some don't. They rush into action and they'll be the first to die in the first part of the raid. Me and my clan members we think things threw, we come up with a solution then bam we go to work, it's all about team work. Also noobs talk to much while there dead on hard raid lol, one kid keeping saying revive me revive me, me and my friends were laughing telling him this hard once you die that's yet til the next round. Every time we get to the boss for Crota some body usually either go out there without going at the same time or die outside. O well it is what it is. Shoutout to the elite teams out there and noobs watch out lol. Tell me your crazy situations in the game.



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