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7/25/2015 7:31:57 AM

Weapon balancing 0.0

Yeah, after reading those notes...this game is dead to me. Ruining black hammer, Gally, attempting to make auto rifles worth a shit again. I don't think the developers of bungie even play the game. Good day.



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  • I like the new weapon update



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  • Where have you been? Lol



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  • Deej: looks at post Deej: "Oh no..." *Deej runs out of his house, gets in his car to get to the office. It breaks down. So he goes on foot. He crosses the deserts, climbs mountains, sail the deadly seas. He must get this information to Harold Ryan, the president of Bungie. Finally, Deej reaches his destination. He is exhausted. Deej is drenched in sweat and hardly able to breath. He could fall over dead any minute. Deej: "Mr. Ryan, I Th3 J0ker is upset" Ryan: "Who?" Deej: "I Th3 J0ker, sir..." Ryan: "My god...bring me the button." *Deej breaks open a glass box on the wall labeled Use in case of emergency. He pulls out a button from the scattered remains and hands it to Ryan. Ryan pushes the button Confetti pops everywhere and a banner drops that reads No One Cares in bright bold letters. A faint "Yea" can be heard in the background. Ryan: "Money well spent." *Looks over to Deej* Ryan: "Now get back to work and remember to tell me every time someone complains. I just love using this button."the



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  • 由Aurion77编辑: 7/25/2015 8:01:08 AM
    They aren't ruining anything. Black Hammer is by far the best sniper rifle in the game because it gives you completely unlimited ammo with a fairly quick fire rate and absolutely no wait/reload, assuming you're a good sniper. It is ridiculously broken and despite absolutely loving the gun, I feel it does need some balancing. Gjallarhorn is and always has been mean to be a fantastic super nuke for PvE. The problem is that a ton of players are being excluded from end game activities for not having one, which Bungie has a problem with (as should any reasonable, caring individual). They haven't even explained to what degree it's being nerfed. You have two options from here: Continue being a closed-minded, selfish crybaby and quit now, or chill the eff out and wait to see what actually happens.



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    20 回复
    • 由Omnitron310编辑: 7/25/2015 7:45:57 AM
      Yeah, how dare they try and make one quarter of their primary weapons relevant again after they were way over-nerfed last time. How dare they try to make PvE a more consistent and diverse experience by nerfing the overpowered guns that are the only ones anyone ever uses.



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      7 回复
      • I can't wait for this update, they're fixing what needs to be fixed and getting rid of bad players at the same time.



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      • So you want to use the same weapons for the next 10 years of Destiny? That's sounds like fun? BORING



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      • Maybe.. hear theres plenty of new guns in TTK, so that kinda worries me.. i mean new guns doesn't mean too much, lots of new guns about the same.. time will tell IF these new guns are worth it, would be nice to have a choice though, i mean IF all these new guns are going to be good then why would they need or want to nerf present ones, guess i'd rather decide for myself, ie compare em and choose what i prefer (if same stats/un nerfed) instead of this do as we say aproach.



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      • It's not like taken king will give us any more weapons or anything.



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      • I have confidence you won't be missed [b]See you in TTK[/b].



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      • Instead of ruining the best guns most of us enjoy using they should understand why the other guns are vault warmers and suck. I'd love to use other guns but most of them suck especially for end game content. Now they go ahead and ruin the few guns that are fun to use and work well with end game content. Seems to me like they don't know how to make useful, fun, diverse guns. Until they learn how to make diverse useful guns every nerf they do will just change names of the most overused weapons. One would also think that after nerfing guns into oblivion and see only a few new ones take their place they would stop with the nerfs and fix the crappy guns so we could be more diverse and still damage things at the same level. My bet is they will not learn and we'll see thousands of posts especially from PvP players crying about the next "thorn, tlw, etc.). It will be like a revolving door of only several guns most of us use with little to no diversity like armor. How in the world did GearBox figure out how to make so many unique guns that were useful in end game content??? Maybe they had good "sand" in their sandbox...



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      • [spoiler][b][i][u][url=][/url][/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]



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