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7/27/2015 8:29:47 PM

Need help with nightfall

Am willing to help and being helped.. Would gimme a hand with some nightfall and prision of elders



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  • 由Chippy2347编辑: 7/27/2015 10:03:43 PM
    well I cant help you in game but I can give you some strats. You mostly have to be high high level Im talking 34, maybe 33. Because it's all burns, which is great for you! But not when you are getting shot at, especially when they get close. Find a primary with a elemental type on it and you should be good because almost all heavy weapons and secondary are elemental, for the first part, you can vary which exotic you use. But once you beat the captain part, (after you kill all the baddies) you should definitely change to an exotic rocket launcher. Dont stick together in one group pile because you can and will get one shotted. Spread out a bit but keep with in each others sight. When you get to the boss just camp out in the spot before the 2 exits. And if you have a good team you should be fine. I know when I did it I was carrying two people and I got strange coins for it -_- (the other person got a Gjallarhorn!!!!) Edit: this is for nightfall only this week



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