Look in awe at my awesome stats.
It's dguzma07, on PSN
Well now that you've had a good laugh, I do certainly hope you feel a whole lot better about yourself.
Before anything, lemme get these two stats out of the way:
That 36 kill game I had, that wasn't me
And that 7000 points game, wasn't me either
That was my nephew who plays on my account from time to time.
Okay, now that we're squared away, here's something cool I think. Apparently I'm the top ten percent in orbs gathered per game. (1.65)
Well, look yourself up and tell me some cool things (or uncool things) about your stats.
Edit: cool! Over 40 comments already. Loving the replies you guys. I'll look up my PVE stats and see if I have something cool or uncool to share.
Edit 2: just for fun, I looked up cozmo's stats. He is good. A good amount of top ten stats sprinkled around. What stands out for me is his KDR for his main hunter, it's at 1,74
Top 1% in distance kills and win/loss ratio 89.2 headshot percentage on my warlock with a sniper
I racked up a ton of kills through precision shots unknowingly. I hipfire a ton too so i thought it was weird lol, that site can surprise u alright The precision % on some sniper players are crazy
Apparently ive spent 14 hrs trying to kill skolas and i have 1 headshot with gjallerhorn
Does anybody even know how these numbers arw tabulated? I mean this isn't a bungie site is it? If not htf does it know these numbers?
由Hyypa编辑: 7/31/2015 1:17:11 AM
3 回复
由IxI Razgriz IxI编辑: 7/31/2015 12:50:33 AMI'm apparently #734 and In the top 1% for combat rating overall. Did not know that either. Also top 3% for distance to killed target, woo sniping. Also, top 4% for resurrections performed, team player in trials. Top 9% best game score
由milkisforbabies编辑: 7/31/2015 12:08:25 AMTop 2% for assists per game and rank #2 in NZ for assists per game. Hurrah, I'm good at NOT killing people.
top 5% in average kill distance and top 9% in average kills+assists per game are my best
I think I'm top 3 for orbs produced per game but I don't remember which character? Don't hold me to the percentage. I know it's top ten tho
由Nitsua Gnuoy420编辑: 7/31/2015 12:57:18 AMHere we go figured it out haha. Guess I play a lot of crucible haha
由beedel编辑: 7/30/2015 9:01:31 PM