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由dguzma07编辑: 7/31/2015 1:43:23 AM

Gotta love that destiny tracker website!!!!

Sup? I DARE YOU TO LOOK ME UP IN Look in awe at my awesome stats. It's dguzma07, on PSN .... ..... ....... ......... ............ Well now that you've had a good laugh, I do certainly hope you feel a whole lot better about yourself. Before anything, lemme get these two stats out of the way: That 36 kill game I had, that wasn't me And that 7000 points game, wasn't me either That was my nephew who plays on my account from time to time. Okay, now that we're squared away, here's something cool I think. Apparently I'm the top ten percent in orbs gathered per game. (1.65) Well, look yourself up and tell me some cool things (or uncool things) about your stats. Edit: cool! Over 40 comments already. Loving the replies you guys. I'll look up my PVE stats and see if I have something cool or uncool to share. Edit 2: just for fun, I looked up cozmo's stats. He is good. A good amount of top ten stats sprinkled around. What stands out for me is his KDR for his main hunter, it's at 1,74



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