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8/1/2015 3:11:36 PM


I am restricted from pvp and I am confused and furious at Bungie. I may not be the most friendly player and I may not play trials with you due to certain gear. But I cannot and will not lag switch just to up my game. I have not the computer skills nor the techno skill to do it Mainly cause I'm a 14 year old boy that has a TWC connection that feels like Walmart internet. I would spent all my money and I have spend that to play this bloody game. So please Bungie, explain to me why have you banned me from the one thing that has me coming back to the game every day. I think that this is an abuse of power and when they say they make the banning selections wisely, to not punish the innocent along side the guilty. That is a load of bull and I demand an explanation for this outrage will be destroying the thing I hold most dear in Destiny.



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