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8/11/2015 10:53:25 PM

US & Friends are warmongering it up right now

No really. Let's recap. --US is bombing ISIS --US is bombing Jabhat al-Nusra --US sometimes bombs Ahrar al-Sham (sure we'll call it an accident) --US today bombed Jaysh al-Sunnah (props if you've heard of it) --Turkey is bombing ISIS (theoretically) --Turkey is bombing the shit out of the Kurdistan Worker's Party --Turkey is bombing the YPG --Turkey may have bombed Assad at Safira --Israel is sometimes bombing Assad and Hezbollah, most recently a few weeks ago --Saudi Arabia is bombing the literal shit out of Yemen, putting a large majority of the country in need of urgent care Did I miss any? This plan or series of plans or whatever sucks though. What is it accomplishing? Nothing of value.



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