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8/15/2015 10:34:55 PM

Worth Playing...

There are many things I like about this game. I am posting this because there are many posts I have put up in the past about Destiny and Bungie in general that are some what negative. So I decided to take the time to let Bungie know why I still play this game. I know, I know "Why the **** should we care?" but you do, that's why you're reading this. I like that my dad has played this game since beta, and has continued to play and buy your products despite the many set backs and bending overs that you have done to us as players. This is how we spend time together, we go kill your aliens, raid your vaults and -blam!- your gods. I like some of the little things like when you blast someone in the face with a 365 Secret Handshake during crucible and they let out that last cry before death. Or when a sticky bomb hits just right in a group of thralls. I like the raids, the wondering if you missed something no matter how many times you run it. "Did we check under that rock?" Surprisingly enough I am not a huge fan of the g-horn....a cluster bomb rocket that tracks, congrats you upgraded from a Hunger of Crota. I do how ever enjoy my Truth, The Fulcrum, Secret Handshake, Lord of Wolves, Thorn, Feedback Fences and the Lucky Raspberry...things that have a certain look or feel to them that really gets me in the cockles of my cold alien slaying heart. TBH, if it wasn't for my friends and Clan Mates going into TTK I would quit.



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  • Damn i hate this community. Bunch of whiny bitches



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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    • Interesting that you start by writing about what you like, but end with a statement that you wouldn't continue playing if not for your friends and clan mates. I'm guessing that, in between those two statements are details on the screwings and bending-overs that you and I and the rest of the Year Wunners have put up with? I know there are certainly things that I'd like to change, and some of them have started becoming an issue that's affecting my enjoyment of the game, but in the end, as you wrote, I still play this game. I play it with my Father in law, I play it with my daughter, and I play it with people around the world, most of whom I know only by their gamer tag. Certainly, playing with a fireteam is more fun, but I'm happy even going out solo to end the existence of so many alien bad guys. I just erased my Hunter and started over because I love the missions and I love ramping up a character. I like opening engrams and hoping it's something that's better than what I have, instead of just opening it and breaking it down without thought of what it is besides a blue engram. In a word, the game is excellent, with some issues. I think my favourite part of the Destiny universe is that I keep finding rooms and caves and other areas that I've never seen before, despite hundreds of hours of game play. It's frickin HUGE! The thing I miss is being terrified of what's around the next corner. I remember bringing up my first character and walking everywhere because I didn't know where the enemies were. I remember being freaked out by weird noises and red blips on my tracker. I miss that feeling. And I think that's what I'm really looking forward to in the Taken King. To be honest, I think exploring a massive, new environment, having to discover everything, not knowing what's waiting around the next corner, is what we all need to get back into the fun frame of mind that we had when we first discovered Destiny. And with all the changes that are (apparently and mysteriously) coming, I like to think of Year Two as a somewhat new game, in a familiar world, instead of the same game with changes that make it "wrong" somehow. Because, despite all the changes that have happened over the last year, we still play the game, and we still love it.



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