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由Compl1cated编辑: 8/27/2015 3:38:56 AM

Worst ways you've broken up with your GF/BF

So me and my ex were both gamers and you wouldn't guess it but we both played destiny. I would mention her username but that's kind of low. We would always play together through the honey moon stage, she was pretty bad lol, I put up with it because of how cute she was ( she also had a really nice personality things just weren't working out ) so one day we were doing Crota hard and at that point our arguments in the real world just keep getting out of hand that she would bring it into destiny, she would say things to the fire team like "Crota's over soul last longer than My boyfriend" which wasn't true but she would do it to piss me off anyway. So a one point I got so annoyed because of her non stop blabbering that I just yelled in the fireteam "it's over", at the time we were doing death singers so it ended and she got ghorn -__-. That part that made me the angriest was the troll rng Jesus just pulled on me



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  • Got dumped for walking to fast. Got dumped for parking to far at Dodger Stadium.(you know its a stadium right?) Dumped gf for demanding (I do mean demand like Hitler and Stalin didn't have shit on her) when she knew I work 7 days a week and a random amount of hours.



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  • my hand broke



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    • So my last tried to rope me into marriage and would poke holes in my condoms. So I told her to stop and just focus on the now, her response to that was a post on Facebook about us getting married soon. So I told her take it down because all the family that's on my Facebook contacted other family and were getting their salt on. After explaining what's up via phone call, a few minutes later her mom calls me and tries to rip me and my family a new one, kindly I ask to speak to the at the time girlfriend and so the mom says yes. I tell her "I'm breaking up with you. No there's none of that its not you its me crap, this was all you. You don't respect what I say, pull shit behind my back and cry to your mom about me asking you to take something down." After a few minutes of being verbally assaulted by her mother, I hung up and started a new life of being single.



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      • Intentionally pocket dialed them acted like I didn't know and talked about how messed up of a way I was going to break up with them to my friends.=P lol.jk. That would be messed up tho.lolol



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