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由LordCainhurst编辑: 8/27/2015 7:22:01 AM


Did you just get shit on really hard by a full team of enemies running Blink + Shotgun coupled with Thorn as their primary? Did you get rekt by that one guy who's constantly camping by the heavy and then stealing it... only to continue camping with a BTRD? Are you absolutely sick of people always running the exact same set-up EVERY SINGLE GAME?! I know I am. AND IM -blam!-ING PISSED I'M SO -blam!-ING DONE WITH THIS -blam!-ING GAME I AM SO D O N E I'M SO DONE WITH CRUCIBLE RIGHT NOW I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN EXPRESS MY DONENESS TAKE THIS TURKEY OUT OF THE OVEN ITS -blam!-ING INCINERATED MY NAME IS ASMODEUSS1990 AND I'M -blam!-ING SALTY JOIN ME, GUARDIANS IN MY -blam!-ING RAGE. RAGE WITH ME. BECAUSE THIS GAME IS -blam!-ING BULLSHIT. I DON'T THINK I USED ENOUGH PROFANITY. *dolphin sounds*



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  • with the other guy about the lag I was having fun with No Land Beyond playing Solo got invite to a fireteam green bars everywhere, but inexperience get nothing but lag Nova-Bombed 3 people and they walked right through it I just left, checked my stats, .33 k/d and a couple of caps launched IB again playing Solo and was having fun again I'm so used to playing by myself I guess, was also not entertained by conversations I don't know anything about and people constantly screaming "HOW THE -blam!- DID HE JUST DO THAT?!?!?!?"



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    • I love pvp, for fun, but I have to say I m getting really tired and bored of the shotgun dominion. I can do good with a shotty too but I just wish we had some more diversity to be seen in matches.



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    • 2.0



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    • I suffered through 3 matches for my Invective bounty. Have no intention of playing PVP again till 2.0 and TTK.



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      • 由Mufasa7295编辑: 8/27/2015 7:13:09 AM
        I'd like to join in. I know I shouldn't judge people for how they choose to play, but Jesus Christ, fighting against shotguns isn't fun anymore! I'm tired of seeing Felwinter's Lie, Party Crasher +1, and Matador 64 every time I die. I'm not mad that people like to win, I'm mad that people are boring. Come on, be adventurous. Use a sidearm, or a fusion rifle, or take up sniping. I guarantee that with practice you can do well with any of these weapon types. I'm running Dreg's Promise and Queenbreaker's Bow (alternating) in the Crucible because it's fun to try out new playstyles and challenge my abilities. I actively avoid the "meta" weapon choices and builds because I want the game to be fun. I don't want easy mode, I want to feel like I'm honing my skills and improving. Again, I know I'm an asshole for not liking how others play, but it affects me as well as everyone else, so I have just as much right to talk about it as everyone else. I am just excited for the Patch so we can see some diversity in the Crucible again. Sorry for the rant



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        • It ain't that bad just get good lol



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          • naaaaaaaaah was playing nice games yesterday running KD 2.0 Then I joined friends we all played... and destiny servers started to -blam!- UP LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG ... couldnt make any kills any more... 5 shots with a thorn and the guy was looking at me ... are you tickling me ????? Bungie fix your fooking matchmaking shit servers !!!!!!!!!!!!! IRON BANNER IS A JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!! LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG Thats all we want to completely fook up this game like you fooked up HALO ... go ahead... keep giving us P2P hosts with terrible connections... you freakin NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB programmers ... How difficult is it to keep stats of hosts ... pings to other players... and select GOOD HOSTS ... instead of these cheating fooking noob laggers I face mostly Bungie you SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a good thing PVE is fun... Coz PVP is FRUSTRATING AS FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK with all the cheaters and laggers... No skill needed... just host advantage... coz with a shit connection and host advantage... who needs skill you are practically in GOD mode !!!!!!!!! Not to mention all the MTU cheaters who take only HALF the damage ... coz half the ammo you shoot at them never hits... coz they CHEAT BUNGIE !!!!!!!! FIX THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so fooking tired of this cheats... 2 games I run 2.0 k/d Then 3 games I can barely get a kill 0.13 K/D ... and these guys SUCKED... just cant hurt them... coz of LAGGGGGGGGGGG Im so fcuking tired of your piece of shit P2P matchmaking system !!!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell anyone who wants to buy this game... do you buy it for PVE or PVP ... if for PVE buy it... if for PVP ... LOL dont bother ...this game is a joke !!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you have host advantage its like your god.. when you dont... its like you shoot blanks... BUNGIE FIX YOUR SHIT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS ! You promise better matchmaking PVP blablabla bla... You guys are a JOKE .. this is just as BAD as HALO always was !!!!!!!!!!!! PATHETIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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          • I'm actually cursed to be on the losing team of any game. No matter how much I carry.... I'm still not use to it.



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