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由LordCainhurst编辑: 8/27/2015 7:22:01 AM


Did you just get shit on really hard by a full team of enemies running Blink + Shotgun coupled with Thorn as their primary? Did you get rekt by that one guy who's constantly camping by the heavy and then stealing it... only to continue camping with a BTRD? Are you absolutely sick of people always running the exact same set-up EVERY SINGLE GAME?! I know I am. AND IM -blam!-ING PISSED I'M SO -blam!-ING DONE WITH THIS -blam!-ING GAME I AM SO D O N E I'M SO DONE WITH CRUCIBLE RIGHT NOW I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN EXPRESS MY DONENESS TAKE THIS TURKEY OUT OF THE OVEN ITS -blam!-ING INCINERATED MY NAME IS ASMODEUSS1990 AND I'M -blam!-ING SALTY JOIN ME, GUARDIANS IN MY -blam!-ING RAGE. RAGE WITH ME. BECAUSE THIS GAME IS -blam!-ING BULLSHIT. I DON'T THINK I USED ENOUGH PROFANITY. *dolphin sounds*



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  • with the other guy about the lag I was having fun with No Land Beyond playing Solo got invite to a fireteam green bars everywhere, but inexperience get nothing but lag Nova-Bombed 3 people and they walked right through it I just left, checked my stats, .33 k/d and a couple of caps launched IB again playing Solo and was having fun again I'm so used to playing by myself I guess, was also not entertained by conversations I don't know anything about and people constantly screaming "HOW THE -blam!- DID HE JUST DO THAT?!?!?!?"



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