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8/27/2015 1:57:34 PM

The Moon Level 6 Glitch/Bug on Xbox One - Warlock

Well, I just started the level 6 Mission on The Moon, and as I start the mission, audio cuts out and starts at random places, the Ghost's speech cues are off with the subtitles, starting and stopping abruptly halfway through his speech. Also, in the mission, you're supposed to use your vehicle, then as i'm 'driving' along the route to the checkpoint icon (i don't know what you call it), the vehicle stops, and there's just a rotating circle and Loading on the bottom centre of the screen, about 3/4 of the way down. Its an infinite loop from the looks of it, because i've left it on for about 3-4 hours, with no success. The Xbox one actually freezes up and gets really unresponsive during this period. If I quit the game, reload it and try to resume the Level 6 Mission, a black screen shows up and i get random bursts of audio (from the soundtrack I think), but otherwise it then just freezes up again. At one point I pressed the select button to jump into orbit, and the screen showed up, sort of skewed and grey, frozen. I need some help as to what I could do to fix this bug, because I have to keep restarting the level, only to find I can't finish the darn thing. Thanks In Advance! (Also, I don't know whether my save is stored online or on the Xbox itself, so if I were to uninstall and reinstall the game, will my save still be there?) What I have done: (1) Cleared the cache (2) Uninstalled and Reinstalled my Xbox One Profile Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)



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