Deej, Cozmo can you please answer a question for me and other guardians pertaining to the collectors edition "stuff". I as well as many other people bought the Physical CE (collectors edition). question is as follows, do physical CE people who have already Destiny and all expansion up to taken king get that "stuff".
Please don't let this thread die before we get an answer.
...Still no answer.
Do you know if the Ttk expansion in the collectors edition is a digital code or is it on a disc?
I am one of the people that purchased the digital collectors edition before they announced the other versions, while already owning the previous dlcs. I was very happy to find out that my impatient purchase of it didn't completely waste the difference in money it cost me, and I sympathize with everyone that did the same as me, except with the physical copy. My one question is this: have they announced yet what the extra "stuff" is? I am very curious now as I'm seeing a bunch of topics on this issue.
Hi, Unfortunately, the extra "stuff" is for users who purchased the Digital Collectors edition before the separate pack was announced. [quote]Just after E3 we announced a $20 Upgrade that would provide the option for Year One Guardians to pick up the Emotes and Class Items from the Digital Collector’s Edition. That offering will be available in your console marketplace or store at The Taken King’s launch on September 15th. To those of you who had already purchased a [b][u]Digital Collector’s Edition[/u][/b] prior to that announcement, we promised that we’d have some additional information for you: “If you purchased the existing [b][u]Digital Collector’s Edition[/u][/b], and you already owned Destiny and both expansion packs, we’ll have some additional information for you soon.”[/quote]
2 回复
由ButDemBroncosDoe编辑: 9/1/2015 2:59:58 AMPretty sure, like 98% sure. I remember preordering the physical collectors edition and making sure the digital stuff was included. On second thought I guess they don't specify... Edit: on second thought again I seriously doubt it.
Ditto i have the same question, i have Destiny 1, Dark Below, and House of Wolves and bought the Physical TTK because of all the cool stuff which came with it. Would like to know if we Physical CE pre-order folks would be able to get the other "stuff" too the Digital CE pre-orders are getting.
Was also wondering this too honestly I hope it's not exclusive content cause that's just terrible as that is the whole reason the collectors edition upgrade was there in the first place. This will only enrage the community especially the ones who ordered the physical copy. So we can just hope that it's not something exclusive to that.
More whining. Physical gets physical stuff why shouldn't digital get digital stuff. This is not a difficult concept people. If you would rather have the digital stuff cancel and reorder. Don't add to the bitch posts.
Also some good info in my thread... Some others have started threads as well...
I am wondering that myself..cause I damn sure have the guardian digital collectors and I have got my hands on a collectors physical TTK...imma be pissed since I preorded it 7/23/15 and I don't get "stuff" for an early preorder...but while I say that I also pre-ordered from gamestop... will that take affect??