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由DLo_595编辑: 8/30/2015 1:42:07 PM

How Sparrow racing would work (Bungie, please do the rest)

- Would have 1v1, 1v1v1 and a 6 player mode. This should be strictly a solo, Free-for-All style game mode with no teaming, i.e. cheating. - The tracks could easily be put together by Bungie by adding walls, markers (for corners) and Start/Finish lines to the current open world areas - Standard racing mechanics would include slipstream, drifting (using bumpers on controller) and extra strong bumpers (that dissuade deliberate bashing). - A very interesting dynamic would be the utilisation of Intellect, Discipline and Strength stats within this separate mode: Pressing L1 and R1 when super energy is fully charged could provide a 3 second speed and handling boost boost. Pressing L1 when grenade energy is charged could fire out a ball of energy in a straight line (green shell style) from the front of the Sparrow (or behind, using the right stick to direct) which would cause an explosion on the opponent Sparrow and reduce speed by 90%. Pressing R1 when melee energy is fully charged would unleash an AoE shockwave, pushing away any nearby Sparrows, giving a slight advantage in close engagements. - I'm not quite sure how the rewards system should be set up, but there should at least be an opportunity to earn Glimmer rewards and potentially Motes of Light/Strange coins for mini-tournament wins. Feel free to leave additional ideas or anything you think I've missed out below (shouldn't be hard) I'll edit in the best ideas. DC out



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