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9/5/2015 4:47:20 PM

[PS4 Clan] "Facade" Wants you for The Taken King

[b]Facade[/b] is a clan that intends to create a community in which members will be able to: make friends, actively join raids and max their character(s) and weapons. We're accepting players of all abilities and classes; all we ask is that you are able to take a joke and not freak out when someone dies during raids. We are neither a strictly PvE or PvP clan but if you join the clan to focus on either of those fields then it is not a problem. Aims: Create a friendly environment where everyone can thrive and play together. Be able to form fireteams for activities such as the raids easily and quickly. Help our members max out their characters as quickly as possible. Help each other get the weapons we want and need in a way that allows everyone to feel rewarded. Have banter that is sufficient enough to carry us through the most testing of times. Complete The Kings Fall Raid Have active members. Requirements: You must have a [b]Mic[/b]. You must speak [b]English[/b]. You must not be a [b]Prick[/b]. You must at least try to to get along with [b]Everyone[/b] Click here if you would like to join us: How about you add the founder: Articpassage3.



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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