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9/15/2015 8:58:02 PM

Day one players, we have a serious question.

Why would you introduce a new force to the game, but make them so easy to fight? I feel like I'm on an undeserved road to becoming a God. Hello new content, you don't matter at all to me. My Titan, is able to crush everything, old and new, in my path. Bungie, I paid 80 dollars for this game. Not to mention paying 80 for day one guardian edition. What are you trying to do, prove to the world how you turned from a respected community. To a hungry corporation, that has taken you over through greed. We all fell for your wizardry this time, but I can guarantee your ten years will betray you. Your going to loose your community. Bungie-RIP



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  • Because they took all our amazing sweet gear and nerfed it, making it impossible to take with us so all the new people could play everything too. Instead of making everyone who's never played grind though the same thing we did, they just cut off our balls and made us start over too.



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