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9/19/2015 4:18:09 AM

3 of coins Buff time duration

Title might be misleading, I just bought 5 coins earlier today.. maybe i'll buy another stack of 5. dunno yet. But i'd like to know, from those who have used the coins before.. Say I use 1, before downing a boss, such as the one in Scourge of Winter (where the best thing to do is slay yourself @ the same time) will the buff disappear when I die, so i'll need to consume another? As well as.. how long does the buff last? 2mins? 5mins? 15mins? Anyways thanks for the read and all replies, I won't be really trying to go all out.. don't have many strange coins & I currently only have 5 exotics from year one. Im pretty casual so I just enjoyed the idea of actually getting the chance to acquire some. (By casual I also mean none of my buds play on PS4 so I don't have the chance to game with a fireteam :/)



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