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原先发布于:ED Archive
9/1/2015 4:48:24 AM

Elite: Dangerous. Trafficking slaves?

What's your opinion on this? I run a pretty standard trade route from Lusonda to LTT 8517. Buying crop harvesters in Lusonda to sell in LTT, buying slaves in LTT 8517 to sell in Lusonda. Overall, the profit is around 430,000Cr(90% being from the slaves). Like, I know it's a videogame, but when I started it felt a little dirty. You know, trafficking humans and all that. But I got over that as soon as the money started rolling in(430k is pretty good for me, I'm not [i]that[/i] far into Elite). To trade slaves to make that bank or to not trade slaves because it's a shitty thing to do? [spoiler]This whole thing might say a lot about us as humans O.O[/spoiler] [spoiler]Oh, yeah, and join [url=]ED Archive[/url] if you like Elite: Dangerous. That's what the group is for.[/spoiler]
#Gaming #slavery



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