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9/24/2015 6:04:01 AM

Thank You, Bungie, So Much (Black Spindle)

The daily heroic today, [i]Lost to Light[/i], or whatever it was called I can't remember after playing it over so many times, well it was the greatest mission I've played so far. Your team designs a game, called Destiny, and your team created one of the greatest works of first person shooter gameplay I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Seriously, you guys created a masterpiece, and I'm only talking about one mission. Let me break it down 1. The mission is hidden. Yes it becomes viral, but only on the forums, anyone not deeply engaged with the game has no idea it exists, and still won't three months from now. 2. Boarding the fallen ketch from within a different mission is a highly interesting element and I hope you guys incorporate more discoverable treasures. 3. [u]Likely the most important[/u] - The mission is engineered to the absolute limit. This allows players to complete it and acquire the Black Spindle, with maybe ten seconds left to do so. Brilliant. Absolutely thrilling and competitive. 4. [b]IT IS NOT TOO HARD[/b] - that's what she said, maybe? - The only time I ever fail to enjoy this game is when I die way too fast, my weapons don't do enough damage, or I die way too fast. - This mission is not too hard. I repeat. Guys are requiring light level 290 to compete. I just beat it as a 279. The only people who can't beat this are people who think they're good, and they suck. 5. [i]Mostly just to organize[/i] - You've taught this community the best gaming advice it could never adhere to before - it takes teamwork to really taste this game for all its juicy goodness. This mission pushed me to play it with like five or six different people (idk it took forever and people kept leaving) and it could not be done until finally finding chemistry with two other skilled guardians. Even then we took three runs at it. Beautiful. 6. I think this mission is perfect. 7. 8. 8/8 9. Just nerf it for anyone who acquired it after today, not gonna make a huge difference anyway tho, people have to [b][i][u]EARN[/u][/i][/b] this gun and look at everyone crie evryteime. 10. end



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