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10/2/2015 3:56:09 AM

Random thoughts from the cellar.

So I'm positive I'm not unique in ever considering this thought, but I feel as though it can hopefully inspire a healthy, philosophical discussion, as it is probably a thought that has crossed your mind at least once, or if not, it is an interesting observation of life. When we speak of "the butterfly effect" we are usually speaking on going to the past, changing an random event, and upon return to the present, it is completely different from before you traveled back in time. Instead, think of this in reverse. The present is the sum of every little thing, every experience had, every movement you've made, every reaction you've had in your life. As if life were an equation, a function of time, and after adding everything up, you get to the point in the present that you meet someone. The most amazing part is, and the reason why I'm highlighting "meeting" someone specifically, is that means that their completely different equation of life, has led them to the same point. Two completely different lives, equating to the same outcome for a short time. And then after this, like a virus, that new person becomes a part of your equation, thus leading you to meet another person, and so on and so forth. [b]So, in short, when you meet someone for the first time, not only has you're entire life has lead to this point, but so has theirs. [/b] How do you feel about this phenomenon? Does this support the deterministic philosophy, or the chaos philosophy? [spoiler]Also, I'm thinking about doing a continuous series of these threads, "random thoughts from the cellar." Let me know if you think they're stupid and I should get a better k/d, or if I should keep doing them. [/spoiler]



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  • Every person's life is like a line through the fourth dimension. Inevitably, each line has intersections with other lines, both (or all) hitting the same point. Here, there are a few possible lens through which to view the situation. 1. All lines that lead to this point culminate in this point, sealing off possibilities of the past, perhaps with purpose. Somehow this point was arrived at by all of these line out of the possibly infinitely many other points that each line could have gone to. 2. The point is a collision of a sort, resulting in an explosion of possibilities for the future, sending lines every which way to who knows where, changing the future in ultimately grand and unknowable ways. 3. The lines intersect, but in a very physical way. Laws of motion apply and net force on each line sends them in a particular direction, but to what end? It is impossible to actually know, but could combining this knowledge with the knowledge that the progression of history is a specification of outcomes unveil truth? All three seem to me to be capable of being evidence of determinism while simultaneously throwing it into doubt. Is it possible that the opposite is not true, but determinism isn't either?



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