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由IceKingZack编辑: 10/2/2015 11:54:36 AM

The Sleeper Simulant Puzzle

To anyone willing to look into this here's what I think just based on the relic description i read. VOLUSPA subroutine DVALIN FORGE. Purpose: strategic arming of human forces in the face of CARRHAE WHITE emergency. I believe VOLUSPA refers to The Poetic Edda: Voluspa, the reason i say this is because even inside the voluspa there speaks of dwarves which are known for smithing ore it even speaks of a place called Dvalin's Throng where the dwarves are and i quote "The race of the dwarfs | in Dvalin's throng Down to Lofar | the list must I tell; The rocks they left, | and through wet lands They sought a home | in the fields of sand." i was thinking if there is some sort of riddle here that bungie wanted us to find could it be a hidden place on mars? another thing i thought of was CARRHAE and i think that refers to the battle of carrhae which the army of Surena lead by the general Marcus Licinius Crassus marched through the deserts of Mesopotamia and ended up clashing with roman forces in carrhae which is a small town in modern day turkey. could there be some sort of link here? i ask because both of the names Voluspa and carrhae speak of sandy places like deserts, i will link my findings. let me know what you think. Voluspa - Carrhae - Mesopotamien desert -



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  • 由AJIc3CoLd编辑: 10/6/2015 8:46:11 AM
    This is a controlled drop, in the sense that it isn't obtainable yet, Bungie will decide when it is. It's a pretty intelligent way to extend the DLCs life versus making everything available day one.



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    • 由IceKingZack编辑: 10/5/2015 8:06:07 AM
      I've heard some things about Hercules_11 found on a classified item, IONIZED SHELL HARMONICS MIDNIGHT EXIGENT: IKELOS subroutine HERCULES_11(GA=ISHTAR.ARCHIVES) hercules 11 refers to hercules's 11th labor "Eurystheus commanded Hercules to bring him golden apples which belonged to Zeus, king of the gods. Hera had given these apples to Zeus as a wedding gift, so surely this task was impossible. Hera, who didn't want to see Hercules succeed, would never permit him to steal one of her prize possessions, would she? These apples were kept in a garden at the northern edge of the world, and they were guarded not only by a hundred-headed dragon, named Ladon, but also by the Hesperides, nymphs who were daughters of Atlas, the titan who held the sky and the earth upon his shoulders." im thinking black garden? this was also found on the relic PLASMA CONFINEMENT CONTROL MODULE 3 WARSAT//MK19/MARS/CHLM. < CHLM stands for Charlemagne which is the warmind of mars said to be in the dust palace. this furthers my evidence for a possiblity of mars being the place we are looking for. but wait im not done believe it or not the sleeper simulent is even based off of NASA's mars rover.



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    • oh and one more thing i forgot to mention the reason i came to the mars conclusion wasn't only from what i found in the voluspa and the carrhae but it was mainly due to the fact that there was a warmind on mars and the daily today (the buried city) could have something to do with it.



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