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由Lost Sols编辑: 9/14/2015 9:18:05 PM

Seeking clarification on missing exotic blueprints in our collections.

In the year 2 preview stream, Tyson Green clearly states [quote]Any of the year one exotics that you have found, any of those that are available in year two are available right here on the blueprint[/quote] Not sure if this has been addressed elsewhere in a thread or Bungie post, but I saw yesterday that Suros, Hard Light and P&T are not available in my exotic collection. Is this a glitch or did we have to have them still in our inventory when 2.0 released. If so, that's kind of ridiculous considering that we needed to shard unused gear for exotic shards and lack of vault space in year one. It seems to me if we have the unlocked Grimiore, shouldn't it be available to us? EDIT: Also from Tyson Green from the same stream when they get to the exotic weapon collection [quote]So we didn't want it to be the case that if you found something in year one, that you had to go find it again in year two. So that's why the blueprints give you access to the updated versions of any of the year one items.[/quote] This seems to me to pretty clearly state that anything we found should be in our collections regardless of if we had it in our inventory when 2.0 dropped or not. I had 2 P&T and 2 or 3 Hard Lights at various points. Now that Hard Light is actually viable, why are we punished for getting rid of it when it wasn't of use? It seems to me this could have been one more way to recognize the accomplishments of year one players to not make us re-find exotics if we dismantled them to upgrade other gear (that ironically isn't going forward).



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