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由AnonPig编辑: 9/21/2015 2:40:18 PM

An Explanation of Sword Logic and Killing Logic

Hello and welcome Guardians, today I realized something... dark. Infusing. What we are doing is using Killing Logic, a tactic used by Oryx to defeat Akka, to make our weapons better. So I'd like everyone to understand the meaning, and real world application of these two to explain how we have successfully, and unsuccessfully killed Hive members. First let me explain what you are. You are true. If you were not, you'd be false, if you were false you'd be non-existent. To be true you must have a purpose, our collective purpose is to defeat the Darkness, having your purpose be stopped is what makes you false. So onto Sword Logic. You are true. Your purpose is what makes you true. Stopping your purpose makes you false. If you are false you're not real. If you're not real you don't exist. That's sword logic. By stopping Oryx's purpose, we define him as false. That's why he didn't actually kill Akka. Akka's purpose was still being done. Now we also stopped Crota's purpose, which defined him as false, this is why he can never return. But in the mission where we go to steal the essence of his soul if you search, you'll see Ir Yut flying about, we did not stop her purpose by killing her. That is why she can still exist. But what we did accomplish was Killing Logic. To explain it let me give you this situation. Killing logic is if a Dragon kills a city in it's purpose, that makes a Dragon stronger than the city because it's true. If I kill a Dragon stopping it's purpose, by sword logic it's false, and I am true. That makes me stronger than the Dragon, and therefore the city. Now if you kill me, even if I say kill me, stab me and let me bleed. That defines me as false, and you as true. That makes you stronger than the city. Now if you kill me, but don't stop my purpose in killing me, you will by the definition of true and false be stronger than me. But that doesn't mean that I can't get stronger than where you are now. That is why Oryx fears his sister's returning, he merely killed them using Killing Logic, not Sword Logic, if they returned they could be stronger and kill him instead. I hope that explains to you the application of Killing and Sword Logic, I know it can be confusing, but it's really just amazing. [url=]AnonPig’s Theories Archived[/url]



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