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10/9/2015 4:47:45 PM

We are in a recession of Warsats.

It is the end times, people! But, believe it or not, the sky is, on the contrary, [i]NOT[/i] falling. I, along with so many others, have found ourselves at an impasse. Those of us who braved the RAS-2 Bunker searching for that faint signal, those of us who outraced the darkness to the top of the Devil's Spire, those of us who scavenged the Ishtar Archives, and those of us who dismantled valuable weapons... Have been taught the cruel lesson of [i]patience[/i]. The Warminds are not kind, my friends. These colossal tyrant machines have a cold grip on the solar system. Their Warsats travel far and wide, and the silent tyrant Rasputin has a gaze out unto the Heliopause. Even the Warminds are not perfect, and their gaze is sometimes blinded. The Warsats go dark, and this is when the sky comes crashing down. I was lucky enough to catch them, on Earth and the Moon. But it seems that Rasputin's grip on the dead Charlemagne is slipping, or that all of the Mars systems were destroyed, wiped out by the Skyburners in their hasty evacuation of Phobos. Or perhaps Oryx has [i]taken[/i] a liking to their aesthetics, and he uses their plating and communications antennae to clean the dead guardians from his teeth. Whatever the mystery surrounding this shortage, one thing stands clear: The sky will not fall. It was a surreal sight, to see small clusters of Guardians waiting patiently. Some avoided the Taken, while others drove back the Darkness. Some decided to turn the sand dunes of Mars into their own personal dancefloor. Regardless of how they passed the time, the same thing always occurred when a high value target appeared instead of the crashing down of Rasputin's wrath. The orchestra was short, but it would always start and end the same way. It was a new-age ballet that toward which even Rasputin would raise a digital eyebrow. A crescendo would build from the sound of Ghosts being called from the safety and protection of their Guardians. Then, much like the rests on sheet music, there would be a pause before the chime of summoned Sparrows. Finally, at the height of this brief, fleeting performance, perhaps all at once or one after another, the sound of boost thrusters would engage, like a chorus, and the band of Guardians would depart, scattering to the four winds on those dusted plains. Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. This was no disciplined march, it was a stampede, without order and without a goal, six million people, unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of civilization, of the massacre of mankind. [spoiler]Sorry, really wanted to make that reference even though it makes no sense.[/spoiler] In short and without all of the stupid, flaunting writing: fix this shortage, Bungie, [i]please[/i]. I'm not the biggest fan of the Stimulant, but I strongly prefer Warsats to bullet sponges. This only started happening after the quest became available. I would ALWAYS see a Warsat in the Barrens, but now there's just spongey Minotaurs and Centurions.



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