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由Rana Kamikaze编辑: 10/9/2015 10:44:11 PM

Sleeper Simulant Could be the next Ghorn?

Yes, if they increase ammo by __ shots


No, my ballerhorn will be always the mightiest


Yes, if they _______________


Just wanted to know what is the general opinion as to how this weapon can be competent in pve (pvp sleeper is fun, not really effective) instead of just whining it's is not Ghorn, and who knows, maybe Lord Deej will see this post and pick a solution from someone, and it will then live to the hype. P.D. Pls no more time locked weapons Bungie, make them challenging to get instead of randomly obtainable through easy quests (Or time gate them but make them hardddddddd like the Black Spindlerino) EDIT: If it had more less the same amount of ammo as, for instance, black spindle, it would be a powerhouse, maybe a bit broken nevertheless, i shall leave those decisions to you because i suck at weapon balancing ideas



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