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10/8/2015 6:27:51 PM

The Stance of a Hunter (since beta)

I'm a Hunter, thanks for the ideas.


I'm a Titan, thanks for the heads up.


I'm a Warlock, I don't care.


I'm going to berate you for having an opinion.


I'm a troll.


I'm a flamer.


I have been a hunter since Beta, and this is my stance. A Titan is a tank, and until now has barely shown that except through their bubble shield. A Warlock is a Scholar, they show it by having interesting and unique abilities. A Hunter is instinctive and adaptive, and show that through having a wide range of abilities. Here's some more points. 1. Shadowshot in crucible isn't meant to be reactive, but proactive. That doesn't mean go shooting it off all happy go lucky, it means have perks selected that benefit the situation. The situation is, if you don't want to just trade with your supers with a sunbreaker, then do it smart. Use a sniper rifle and hand cannon or pulse rifle. In a close quarters map use quiver and predator and snare with lockdown and the sealed ahamkara arms, keep close to corners so that when a sunbreaker is approaching you can fill the corridor with traps. You will be out of sight when they get suppressed, and you can finish them off. Long range maps, use black hole, predator, envenomed, and lockdown. Same deal, sunbreaker charges, break line of sight and leave your trap, use smoke grenades to deny area forcing enemies to go towards the trap, and snipe them when they are tethered. 2. Golden gun is extemely viable, but you need to adapt to changing situations. Yes, a sunbreaker can survive golden gun with a sliver of health, so don't face one down one on one, play smart. [url=]Adapt[/url] <--Example Video Draw the sunbreaker into a crossfire where he is sure to lose a little health, and finish the job. Or if you really want to face one down, use celestial nighthawk and take the hit on ammo capacity. 3. Bladedancer is still viable, and an excellent class to use a sword with. If you aren't using blink, then you aren't using the most fun strategy for this class. We all know that swinging the sword throws your body in that direction, so when closing on an enemy, blink up over their heads, they will assume you are trying to get behind them (and you are) and they will turn around and whip out that trusty shotgun. You are going to use your sword to reverse your momentum and come down in what was their front... but now it's behind. And yes, you should still use a sniper, blink shottys are a good way to have a 1.0 K/D. Use your blink to evade the moment you see an enemy sniper scoping you in. With luck and speed they will not be able to track the abruptness of the movement. Also, with arcblade, use vanish. It is the greatest risk closing that distance, and being invisible is a great way to throw off your opponents for just long enough for it to be too late. And before people start commenting on my barely over 1.0 K/D with my hunter, know that until year two I played crucible maybe once a month and for Iron Banner. So I'm just now working on getting my K/D up again. Please leave input, please nothing snobby, please nothing rude. Constructive criticism and other subclass strategies welcome.



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  • I don't play crucible much and I've mained all 3 Classes for atleast 250 hours each (Probably more like 400 each) I think Nightstalker needs a bump in its duration for Shadowshot, and yes smoke is Amazing check my Profile for a Clip where i made a whole team and a sparkrunner kill themselves by disabling their double jump over top of a Gap in vertigo. (They did kill me, but revenge is a dish best served cold) but without Black hole the super lasts maybe 5 seconds, it should last 10 without black hole and 15 with it just to help those that don't want to use predator. But you've got some great Strategies for all the classes Keep it goin man, Bad K/D or not you seem like a Great Player, Always happy to see someone not supporting Blink-shotgun strategies.



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