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10/16/2015 4:10:46 AM

Please mind who your reporting.

Hello fellow guardians hows everybody doing? I know a couple of you aren't doing so well considering the shadow shot exploit has been... well... exploited. I agree its vastly over powered any way you look at it. I used it once (shame on me) and never have again. Now i still don't know if you can be banned or not for using it.(Guessing you can) Those of you reporting please watch who you report, not all nightstalkers are cheating. I for one think the night stalker class is fun and very useful, that shouldn't mean i should be reported. I was in an Iron Banner match and somebody was doing the glitch on my team and was obviously doing well, I on the other hand got a phantom medal while he was doing the glitch and received multiple hateful messages along with what I'm guessing were reports. Please don't report every Nightstalker who uses shadowshot and quiver, only those using the exploit. Thank You.



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