Hello fellow guardians hows everybody doing? I know a couple of you aren't doing so well considering the shadow shot exploit has been... well... exploited.
I agree its vastly over powered any way you look at it. I used it once (shame on me) and never have again. Now i still don't know if you can be banned or not for using it.(Guessing you can) Those of you reporting please watch who you report, not all nightstalkers are cheating. I for one think the night stalker class is fun and very useful, that shouldn't mean i should be reported.
I was in an Iron Banner match and somebody was doing the glitch on my team and was obviously doing well, I on the other hand got a phantom medal while he was doing the glitch and received multiple hateful messages along with what I'm guessing were reports. Please don't report every Nightstalker who uses shadowshot and quiver, only those using the exploit.
Thank You.
I've just stopped using Nightstalker and gone back to using Shadowshot, I heard some young kid say he was reporting someone in a Iron Banner match when the poor guy never used the glitch once, fired full 3 shots every time. Im not running the risk with false/spiteful reporters everywhere. Usually young kids who don't like to lose.
I only report people who are AFK. Anything else, idgaf go nuts with whatever glitch you please. Win or lose, rewards will still be shit in crucible either way.
I report anyone I see using 4 SS in under a minute. Usually I'll actually see them use a lot more before reporting. Got a nice report list going so far to both Bungie and Xbox to make sure their rating goes down and Xbox will ban you from online multiplayer if there are enough reports.
I've stayed completely away from that subclass since the glitch was exposed for that very reason.
I played a game where both teams were just firing shadow shots making it rain like the fires of Hades. With me on my warlock I just tried to avoid and counter but with so many hunters it was nearly impossible. Needless to say I reported all who were using it , their team and mine, the crucible is no place for mercy. I don't know which side started it first but I'm sure it was a situation where someone thought "Screw it, if they do it, I will too!"
I was never really aware of the glitch until yesterday when I looked at the forums, but I haven't reported anyone yet for the glitch. Hopefully bungee will patch this. /)
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I just played match where the guy used is super the whole time. He was on my team but i reported him.. It's not fair at all
If i THINK someone is glitching I'll report them everytime. If you're not Bungie will see it and you'll be fine.
I report people that I know for certain are doing it, its not hard to tell or see the GT of the player.