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10/26/2015 4:23:51 PM

Why is everyone so butthurt?

For the love of Pete. Can you stop asking for NERFS. Holy donkey balls I am sick of people complaining about everything in this game. I have heard a nerf call for just about everything. Why don't we nerf oryx? I think he's just too damn big like seriously. Does he really need to be that big? Honestly if you can't enjoy the game the way it is then you are not playing it right. Or just suck balls. Now I have been killed by HoS in crucible far too many times but I'm not going to call for a nerf because I get killed by it. I get killed by golgaroth but that fat bastard doesn't need a nerf and if I called for a nerf people would think I'm a stupid fat idiot. Play the game. If something is repeatedly killing you don't give up and call for a nerf, use your damn head think your way out of. Too many people get butt hurt way too easy. #destiny



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